Tajikistan map

Tajikistan administrative divisions
2 provinces (viloyatho, singular - viloyat), 1 autonomous province* (viloyati mukhtor), 1 capital region** (viloyati poytakht), and 1 area referred to as Districts Under Republic Administration***
- Dushanbe**,
- Khatlon (Bokhtar),
- Kuhistoni Badakhshon [Gorno-Badakhshan]* (Khorugh),
- Nohiyahoi Tobei Jumhuri***,
- Sughd (Khujand)
Dushanbe, Tajikistan capital city

Tajikistan flag

What continent does Tajikistan fall under?
Most spoken language in Tajikistan, by order
Tajik (official) 84.4%, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Russian, and others. Russian widely used in government and business
Here you'll find some words and it's phonetic translation to help you speak Tajik
Hello | Салом | Salom |
Excuse me | Бубахшед | Buʙaxşed |
Please | Лутфан | Lutfan |
I need help | ман кӯмак лозим дорам | man kūmak lozim doram |
Do you speak (...) ? | Ту гап зада метавонӣ (...) ? | Tu gap zada metavonī (...) ? |
my name is... | номи ман... | nomi man... |
Thanks | Ташаккур | taşakkur |
You're welcome | Хушомадед | Xuşomaded |
Yes | Ҳа | Bale |
No | Нест | Ne |
Goodbye! | Хайр? | Xajr? |
Where is (...)? | Дар куҷост (...)? | Dar kuçost (...)? |
Taxi | Таксӣ | Taksi |
Train station | Вокзал | Istgohi rohi ohan |
Bus station | Истгоҳи автобус | Istgohi avtoʙus |
Car rent | Иҷораи мошин | Içorai moşin |
Motorcycle rental | Иҷораи мотосикл | Içorai motocikl |
Bike rental | Белексия Иксед | Içorai velosiped |
Airport | Майдони ҳавоӣ | Furudgoh |
Where is the hotel (...)? | Меҳмонхона дар куҷост (...)? | Mehmonxona dar kuçost (...)? |
Where is the city center? | Маркази шаҳр дар куҷост? | Markazi şahr dar kuçost? |
I will go… | Ман меравам… | Man meravam… |
I don't understand | Ман намефаҳмам | Man namefahmam |
Help | Кумак | Jorī |
I'm very sorry | Ман хеле ғамгинам | Man xele puşajmonam |
Can I use your wifi, please? | Оё ман метавонам WiFi-и худро истифода барам? | Ojo man metavonam wifi-i şumoro istifoda ʙaram, lutfan? |
Where can I buy a wifi card for my cell phone? | Барои телефони мобилии ман корти WiFi-ро аз куҷо харида метавонам? | Az kuço metavonam korti wifi-ro ʙaroi telefoni moʙiliam xaram? |
Thank you for your help, you were very helpful! | Ташаккур ба шумо барои кӯмак, шумо хеле муфид будед! | Taşakkur ʙa şumo ʙaroi kūmak, şumo xele mufid ʙuded! |
I want to live here | Ман мехоҳам дар ин ҷо зиндагӣ кунам, | Man mexoham dar in ço zindagī kunam, |
What is best place to find a home to buy? | Барои ёфтани хона чӣ беҳтарин ҷой барои харидани хона аст? | Behtarin çoj ʙaroi pajdo kardani xona ʙaroi xaridani kadom ast? |
I love you | Ман туро дӯст медорам | Man turo dūst medoram |
Want to date me? | Мехоҳед маро хонед? | Mexohed ʙo man muloqot kuned? |
Will you marry me? | Бо ман издивоҷ мекунӣ? | Bo man izdivoç mekunī? |
Tajik is spoken in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
The Tajik language code is tg
Geographical position of Tajikistan in the world
Central Asia, west of China, south of Kyrgyzstan
How is Tajikistan climate?
mid-latitude continental, hot summers, mild winters; semiarid to polar in Pamir Mountains
What are Tajikistan neighbours?
China. Afghanistan. Kyrgyzstan. Uzbekistan.
What is Tajikistan most predominant religion?
Muslim (Sunni, Shia) other
What is Tajikistan ISO country code?
and Tajikistan ISO3
Tajikistan country area
143100 sq km
What is Tajikistan country population?
What is Tajikistan time zone?
UTC +05:00
What is internet country code(ccTLD) used to indicate the Tajikistan websites?
The websites ccTLD used in Tajikistan is .tj
Tajikistan calling code
Calling from a different country, everyone should use the prefix 992 before the Tajikistan phone number
Tajikistan Global Peace Index Rank
According to visionofhumanity.org, Tajikistan ranks at position 97 of the Global Peace Index Rank, with a Global Peace Index Score of 2.095
The currency name used in Tajikistan is the Somoni with the currency code TJS
What has been Tajikistan GPD per capita evolution in the last years?
Tajikistan GDP per capita, according to CIA, has been of $3,700 (2020 est.), $3,600
(2019 est.) and $3,400 (2018 est.) data are in 2017 US dollars.
Tajikistan GDP per capita
is in rank 188 compared to other countries in the world, with a value of $3,700 - data from
The monthly minimum wage in local currency in Tajikistan is 400,0 an approximate equivalence to (euros), values of 2020
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