Svalbard and Jan Mayen

Svalbard and Jan Mayen map

Svalbard and Jan Mayen map

Svalbard and Jan Mayen administrative divisions


Longyearbyen, Svalbard and Jan Mayen capital city

Longyearbyen, capital city of Svalbard and Jan Mayen

Svalbard and Jan Mayen flag

flag of Svalbard and Jan Mayen

What continent does Svalbard and Jan Mayen fall under?


Most spoken language in Svalbard and Jan Mayen, by order

Norwegian, Russian

Here you'll find some words to help you speak Norwegian

Hello Hallo
Excuse me Unnskyld meg
Please Vær så snill
I need help jeg trenger hjelp
Do you speak (...) ? Snakker du (...) ?
my name is... mitt navn er...
Thanks Takk
You're welcome Værsågod
Yes Ja
No Nei
Goodbye! Ha det!
Where is (...)? Hvor er (...)?
Taxi Taxi
Train station Togstasjon
Bus station Busstasjon
Car rent Bil utleie
Motorcycle rental Motorsykkelutleie
Bike rental Sykkelutleie
Airport flyplassen
Where is the hotel (...)? Hvor er hotellet (...)?
Where is the city center? Hvor er sentrum?
I will go… Jeg skal gå…
I don't understand Jeg forstår ikke
Help Hjelp
I'm very sorry Jeg er veldig lei meg
Can I use your wifi, please? Kan jeg bruke wifi -en din, vær så snill?
Where can I buy a wifi card for my cell phone? Hvor kan jeg kjøpe et wifi -kort til mobiltelefonen min?
Thank you for your help, you were very helpful! Takk for hjelpen, du var veldig hjelpsom!
I want to live here Jeg vil bo her,
What is best place to find a home to buy? Hva er det beste stedet å finne et hjem å kjøpe?
I love you Jeg elsker deg
Want to date me? Vil date meg?
Will you marry me? Vil du gifte deg med meg?

Norwegian is spoken in Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen

The Norwegian language code is no

Here you'll find some words with the russian phonetics to help you speak Russian

Hello Привет Privet
Excuse me Извините меня Proshu proshcheniya
Please Пожалуйста Pozhaluysta
I need help мне нужна помощь Mne nuzhna pomoshch'
Do you speak (...) ? Вы говорите (...) ? Vy govorite (...) ?
my name is... меня зовут... menya zovut...
Thanks Спасибо Spasibo
You're welcome Пожалуйста Pozhaluysta
Yes Да Da
No Нет Net
Goodbye! Прощай! Proshchay!
Where is (...)? Где (...)? Gde (...)?
Taxi Такси Taksi
Train station Железнодорожная станция Zheleznodorozhnaya stantsiya
Bus station Автобусная остановка Avtovokzal
Car rent Аренда автомобиля Arenda avtomobilya
Motorcycle rental Прокат мотоцикла Prokat mototsiklov
Bike rental Прокат велосипедов Prokat velosipedov
Airport Аэропорт aeroport
Where is the hotel (...)? Где находится отель (...)? Gde nakhoditsya otel' (...)?
Where is the city center? Где центр города? Gde nakhoditsya tsentr goroda?
I will go… Я пойду… YA poydu…
I don't understand Я не понимаю YA ne ponimayu
Help Помощь Pomoshch'
I'm very sorry мне очень жаль mne ochen' zhal'
Can I use your wifi, please? Могу ли я использовать ваш Wi -Fi, пожалуйста? Mogu ya vospol'zovat'sya vashim Wi-Fi, pozhaluysta?
Where can I buy a wifi card for my cell phone? Где я могу купить карту Wi -Fi для моего мобильного телефона? Gde ya mogu kupit' kartu Wi-Fi dlya moyego mobil'nogo telefona?
Thank you for your help, you were very helpful! Спасибо за вашу помощь, вы были очень полезны! Spasibo za pomoshch', vy ochen' pomogli!
I want to live here Я хочу жить здесь, YA khochu zhit' zdes',
What is best place to find a home to buy? Какое место лучше всего найти дом для покупки? - Gde luchshe vsego nayti dom dlya pokupki?
I love you Я тебя люблю YA lyublyu tebya
Want to date me? Хочет встречаться со мной? Khochet vstrechat'sya so mnoy?
Will you marry me? Ты выйдешь за меня? Vyydesh' za menya zamuzh?

Russian is spoken in Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Ukraine, Estonia, Uzbekistan, Lithuania, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Finland, Tajikistan, Hungary, Armenia, Moldova, Cyprus, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Poland. Russian is spoken by 3.4% of the World population!

The Russian language code is ru

Geographical position of Svalbard and Jan Mayen in the world

Northern Europe, islands between the Arctic Ocean, Barents Sea, Greenland Sea, and Norwegian Sea, north of Norway

How is Svalbard and Jan Mayen climate?

arctic, tempered by warm North Atlantic Current; cool summers, cold winters; North Atlantic Current flows along west and north coasts of Spitsbergen, keeping water open and navigable most of the year

What are Svalbard and Jan Mayen neighbours?

Nome, it lies in remote north atlantic ocean

What is Svalbard and Jan Mayen most predominant religion?

Christian and affiliated with the Church of Norway

What is Svalbard and Jan Mayen ISO country code?


and Svalbard and Jan Mayen ISO3


Svalbard and Jan Mayen country area

62049 sq km

What is Svalbard and Jan Mayen country population?


What is Svalbard and Jan Mayen time zone?


What is internet country code(ccTLD) used to indicate the Svalbard and Jan Mayen websites?

The websites ccTLD used in Svalbard and Jan Mayen is .sj

Svalbard and Jan Mayen calling code

Calling from a different country, everyone should use the prefix 47 before the Svalbard and Jan Mayen phone number

Svalbard and Jan Mayen Global Peace Index Rank

According to, Svalbard and Jan Mayen ranks at position of the Global Peace Index Rank, with a Global Peace Index Score of

The currency name used in Svalbard and Jan Mayen is the Krone with the currency code NOK GPD per capita evolution in the last years?

GDP per capita, according to CIA, has been of
GDP per capita is in rank compared to other countries in the world, with a value of - data from

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