
Somalia map

Somalia map

Somalia administrative divisions

18 regions (plural - NA, singular - gobolka)

  1. Awdal,
  2. Bakool,
  3. Banaadir,
  4. Bari,
  5. Bay,
  6. Galguduud,
  7. Gedo,
  8. Hiiraan,
  9. Jubbada Dhexe (Middle Jubba),
  10. Jubbada Hoose (Lower Jubba),
  11. Mudug,
  12. Nugaal,
  13. Sanaag,
  14. Shabeellaha Dhexe (Middle Shabeelle),
  15. Shabeellaha Hoose (Lower Shabeelle),
  16. Sool,
  17. Togdheer,
  18. Woqooyi Galbeed

Mogadishu, Somalia capital city

Mogadishu, capital city of Somalia

Somalia flag

flag of Somalia

What continent does Somalia fall under?


Most spoken language in Somalia, by order

Somali (official, according to the 2012 Transitional Federal Charter), Arabic (official, according to the 2012 Transitional Federal Charter), Italian, English

Here you'll find some words to help you speak Somali

Hello Ma nabad baa
Excuse me Iga raali ahaw
Please Fadlin
I need help Waxaan u baahanahay caawimaad
Do you speak (...) ? Ma hadashaa (...) ?
my name is... Magacaygu waa ...
Thanks Mahad
You're welcome Adaa mudan
Yes Haa
No Maya
Goodbye! Nabadgalyo!
Where is (...)? Waa Xagee (...)?
Taxi Tagsi
Train station Garoon tareen
Bus station Boosteejada baska
Car rent Kirada Gawaarida
Motorcycle rental Kirada mootada
Bike rental Kiro kiro
Airport Garoon dayuuradeed
Where is the hotel (...)? Aaway hoteelka (...)?
Where is the city center? Aaway bartamaha magaalada?
I will go… Waan tegi doonaa ...
I don't understand Ma fahmin
Help I caawi
I'm very sorry Aad ayaan uga xumahay
Can I use your wifi, please? Ma isticmaali karaa wifi, fadlan?
Where can I buy a wifi card for my cell phone? Xageen ka iibsan karaa kaarka wifi taleefankayga gacanta?
Thank you for your help, you were very helpful! Waad ku mahadsantahay kaalmadaada, aad baad u caawin jirtay!
I want to live here Waxaan rabaa inaan ku noolaado halkan,
What is best place to find a home to buy? Waa maxay meesha ugu wanaagsan ee lagu helo guri lagu iibsado?
I love you waan ku jeclahay
Want to date me? Ma dooneysaa inaad ila socoto?
Will you marry me? Ma ii guursan doontaa?

Somali is spoken in Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia

The Somali language code is so

Geographical position of Somalia in the world

Eastern Africa, bordering the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean, east of Ethiopia

How is Somalia climate?

principally desert; northeast monsoon (December to February), moderate temperatures in north and hot in south; southwest monsoon (May to October), torrid in the north and hot in the south, irregular rainfall, hot and humid periods (tangambili) between monsoons

What are Somalia neighbours?

Ethiopia. Kenya. Djibouti.

What is Somalia most predominant religion?

Sunni Muslim (Islam) (official, according to the 2012 Transitional Federal Charter)

What is Somalia ISO country code?


and Somalia ISO3


Somalia country area

637657 sq km

What is Somalia country population?


What is Somalia time zone?

UTC +03:00 (EAT - Eastern African Time)

What is internet country code(ccTLD) used to indicate the Somalia websites?

The websites ccTLD used in Somalia is .so

Somalia calling code

Calling from a different country, everyone should use the prefix 252 before the Somalia phone number

Somalia Global Peace Index Rank

According to, Somalia ranks at position 158 of the Global Peace Index Rank, with a Global Peace Index Score of 3.211

The currency name used in Somalia is the Shilling with the currency code SOS

What has been Somalia GPD per capita evolution in the last years?

Somalia GDP per capita, according to CIA, has been of $800 (2020 est.), $900 (2019 est.) and $900 (2018 est.) data are in 2017 US dollars.
Somalia GDP per capita is in rank 228 compared to other countries in the world
, with a value of $800 - data from 2020

The monthly minimum wage in local currency in Somalia is an approximate equivalence to (euros), values of

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