
Seychelles map

Seychelles map

Seychelles administrative divisions

27 administrative districts

  1. Anse aux Pins,
  2. Anse Boileau,
  3. Anse Etoile,
  4. Anse Royale,
  5. Au Cap,
  6. Baie Lazare,
  7. Baie Sainte Anne,
  8. Beau Vallon,
  9. Bel Air,
  10. Bel Ombre,
  11. Cascade,
  12. Glacis,
  13. Grand Anse Mahe,
  14. Grand Anse Praslin,
  15. Ile Perseverance I,
  16. Ile Perseverance II,
  17. La Digue,
  18. La Riviere Anglaise,
  19. Les Mamelles,
  20. Mont Buxton,
  21. Mont Fleuri,
  22. Plaisance,
  23. Pointe Larue,
  24. Port Glaud,
  25. Roche Caiman,
  26. Saint Louis,
  27. Takamaka

What continent does Seychelles fall under?

Victoria, Seychelles capital city

Victoria, capital city of Seychelles

Seychelles flag

flag of Seychelles


Most spoken language in Seychelles, by order

Seychellois Creole (official) 89.1%, English (official), French (official),

Geographical position of Seychelles in the world

archipelago in the Indian Ocean, northeast of Madagascar

How is Seychelles climate?

tropical marine; humid; cooler season during southeast monsoon (late May to September); warmer season during northwest monsoon (March to May)

What are Seychelles neighbours?

Seychelles lies in the indian ocean, east from Kenia

What is Seychelles most predominant religion?

Roman Catholic,

and Seychelles second most predominant religion

Protestant (Anglican, Pentecostal Assembly, Seventh Day Adventist, other Protestant),

and other practiced religions in Seychelles ?

other Christian, Hindu, Muslim

What is Seychelles ISO country code?


and Seychelles ISO3


Seychelles country area

455 sq km

What is Seychelles country population?


What is Seychelles time zone?

UTC ±00:00

What is internet country code(ccTLD) used to indicate the Seychelles websites?

The websites ccTLD used in Seychelles is .sc

Seychelles calling code

Calling from a different country, everyone should use the prefix 248 before the Seychelles phone number

Seychelles Global Peace Index Rank

According to, Seychelles ranks at position of the Global Peace Index Rank, with a Global Peace Index Score of

The currency name used in Seychelles is the Rupee with the currency code SCR

What has been Seychelles GPD per capita evolution in the last years?

Seychelles GDP per capita, according to CIA, has been of $24,400 (2020 est.), $27,500 (2019 est.) and $27,300 (2018 est.) data are in 2017 US dollars.
Seychelles GDP per capita is in rank 79 compared to other countries in the world
, with a value of $24,400 - data from 2020

The monthly minimum wage in local currency in Seychelles is an approximate equivalence to (euros), values of

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