San Marino

San Marino map

San Marino map

San Marino administrative divisions

9 municipalities (castelli, singular - castello)

  1. Acquaviva,
  2. Borgo Maggiore,
  3. Chiesanuova,
  4. Domagnano,
  5. Faetano,
  6. Fiorentino,
  7. Montegiardino,
  8. San Marino Citta,
  9. Serravalle

San Marino, San Marino capital city

San Marino, capital city of San Marino

San Marino flag

flag of San Marino

What continent does San Marino fall under?


Most spoken language in San Marino, by order


Here you'll find some words to help you speak Italian

Hello Ciao
Excuse me Mi scusi
Please Per favore
I need help Ho bisogno di aiuto
Do you speak (...) ? Tu parli (...) ?
my name is... Il mio nome è...
Thanks Grazie
You're welcome Prego
No No
Goodbye! Arrivederci!
Where is (...)? Dov'è (...)?
Taxi Taxi
Train station Stazione ferroviaria
Bus station Stazione degli autobus
Car rent Noleggio auto
Motorcycle rental Noleggio motociclistico
Bike rental Noleggio bici
Airport Aeroporto
Where is the hotel (...)? Dov'è l'hotel (...)?
Where is the city center? Dov'è il centro città?
I will go… Andrò…
I don't understand Non capisco
Help Aiuto
I'm very sorry mi dispiace molto
Can I use your wifi, please? Posso usare il tuo wifi, per favore?
Where can I buy a wifi card for my cell phone? Dove posso acquistare una scheda WiFi per il mio cellulare?
Thank you for your help, you were very helpful! Grazie per il tuo aiuto, sei stato molto utile!
I want to live here Voglio vivere qui,
What is best place to find a home to buy? Qual è il posto migliore per trovare una casa da acquistare?
I love you ti amo
Want to date me? Vuoi uscire con me?
Will you marry me? Mi vuoi sposare?

Italian is spoken in Italy, Vatican, San Marino, Switzerland, Argentina, Libya, Monaco, Australia, Canada, Liechtenstein, Gibraltar, Saint Martin, Albania, Brazil, Somalia, Luxembourg, Slovenia.

The Italian language code is it

Geographical position of San Marino in the world

Southern Europe, an enclave in central Italy

How is San Marino climate?

Mediterranean; mild to cool winters; warm, sunny summers

What are San Marino neighbours?


What is San Marino most predominant religion?

Roman Catholic

What is San Marino ISO country code?


and San Marino ISO3


San Marino country area

61.2 sq km

What is San Marino country population?


What is San Marino time zone?

UTC +01:00 Central European Time

What is internet country code(ccTLD) used to indicate the San Marino websites?

The websites ccTLD used in San Marino is .sm

San Marino calling code

Calling from a different country, everyone should use the prefix 378 before the San Marino phone number

San Marino Global Peace Index Rank

According to, San Marino ranks at position of the Global Peace Index Rank, with a Global Peace Index Score of

The currency name used in San Marino is the Euro with the currency code EUR

What has been San Marino GPD per capita evolution in the last years?

San Marino GDP per capita, according to CIA, has been of $60,800 (2019 est.), $59,600 (2018 est.) and $58,867 (2017 est.) data are in 2017 US dollars.
San Marino GDP per capita is in rank 16 compared to other countries in the world
, with a value of $60,800 - data from 2019

The monthly minimum wage in local currency in San Marino is 1.501,5 € an approximate equivalence to 1.501,5 € (euros), values of 2019

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