
Niue map

Niue map

Niue administrative divisions

none; there are no first-order administrative divisions as defined by the US Government, but there are 14 villages at the second order

Alofi, Niue capital city

Alofi, capital city of Niue

Niue flag

flag of Niue

What continent does Niue fall under?


Most spoken language in Niue, by order

Niuean (official) 46% (a Polynesian language closely related to Tongan and Samoan), Niuean and English 32%, English (official), Niuean and and others, and other

Geographical position of Niue in the world

Oceania, island in the South Pacific Ocean, east of Tonga

How is Niue climate?

tropical; modified by southeast trade winds

What are Niue neighbours?

Cook Islands, Samoa, and Tonga.

What is Niue most predominant religion?

Ekalesia Niue (Congregational Christian Church of Niue - a Protestant church founded by missionaries from the London Missionary Society),

and Niue second most predominant religion

Church of Jesus Christ,

and other practiced religions in Niue ?

Roman Catholic, Jehovah's Witness, Seventh Day Adventist

What is Niue ISO country code?


and Niue ISO3


Niue country area

260 sq km

What is Niue country population?


What is Niue time zone?

UTC -11

What is internet country code(ccTLD) used to indicate the Niue websites?

The websites ccTLD used in Niue is .nu

Niue calling code

Calling from a different country, everyone should use the prefix 683 before the Niue phone number

Niue Global Peace Index Rank

According to, Niue ranks at position of the Global Peace Index Rank, with a Global Peace Index Score of

The currency name used in Niue is the Dollar with the currency code NZD

What has been Niue GPD per capita evolution in the last years?

Niue GDP per capita, according to CIA, has been of $5,800 (2003 est.) data are in 2017 US dollars.
Niue GDP per capita is in rank 166 compared to other countries in the world
, with a value of $5,800 - data from 2003

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