New Caledonia
New Caledonia map

New Caledonia administrative divisions
3 provinces
- Province Iles (Islands Province),
- Province Nord (North Province),
- Province Sud (South Province)
Noumea, New Caledonia capital city

New Caledonia flag

What continent does New Caledonia fall under?
Most spoken language in New Caledonia, by order
English (de facto official) 95.4%, Maori (de jure official), Samoan, Northern Chinese, Hindi, French, Yue, New Zealand Sign Language (de jure official), and other or not stated.
English is spoken by 5.1% of the World population! United Kingdom, Ireland, United States of America, Australia, Isle of Man, Montserrat, Guam, Jamaica, Gibraltar, Falkland Islands, Wallis and Futuna, Belize, Saint Helena, Uganda, Puerto Rico, Eswatini, Micronesia, Sierra Leone, Guernsey, Vietnam, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Netherlands, Suriname, New Caledonia, Iceland, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, United Arab Emirates, Tokelau, Kuwait, Liberia, South Korea, Qatar, Jordan, Monaco, Saint Barthelemy, Chile, Argentina, Bahrain, Oman, Costa Rica, Egypt, Laos, Lebanon, Hungary, Libya, Malaysia, Brunei, Saint Martin, Greece, Cyprus, Madagascar, Indonesia, Nauru, Israel, Solomon Islands, Maldives, Mauritius, Marshall Islands, Macau, Syria, Denmark, Tanzania, New Zealand, American Samoa, Greenland, Afghanistan, Switzerland, Sao Tome and Principe, Zimbabwe, Aruba, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Thailand, Ghana, India, Ethiopia, Luxembourg, Panama, Brazil, Somalia, Timor Leste, Nepal
The English language code is en
Here you'll find some words to help you speak Maori
- Hello - Ora
- Excuse me - Tukua mai
- Please - Koa
- I need help - Kei te hiahia awhina ahau
- Do you speak (...) ? - Ka korero koe (...)?
- my name is... - toku ingoa ...
- Thanks - Mihi
- You're welcome - Tena koe
- Yes - Āe
- No - Kāo
- Goodbye! - Tena koe!
- Where is (...)? - Kei hea (...)?
- Taxi - Tekehī
- Train station - Tauranga tereina
- Bus station - Tauranga pahi
- Car rent - Reti waka
- Motorcycle rental - Reti motopaika
- Bike rental - Reti pahikara
- Airport - Tauranga manurere
- Where is the hotel (...)? - Kei hea te hotera (...)?
- Where is the city center? - Kei hea te pokapū o te taone?
- I will go… - Ka haere ahau ...
- I don't understand - Kaore au e mohio
- Help - Āwhina
- I'm very sorry - He tino pouri ahau
- Can I use your wifi, please? - Ka taea e au te whakamahi i to wifi, tēnā koe?
- Where can I buy a wifi card for my cell phone? - Me hea e taea e au te hoko i tetahi kaari WiFi mo taku waea pūkoro?
- Thank you for your help, you were very helpful! - Mauruuru koe mo to awhina, he tino awhina koe!
- I want to live here - Kei te hiahia au ki te noho i konei,
- What is best place to find a home to buy? - He aha te waahi pai ki te rapu kaainga hei hoko?
- I love you - Aroha ana ahau ki a koe
- Want to date me? - Kei te hiahia koe ki te tuku i ahau?
- Will you marry me? - Ka marena koe ki ahau?
Maori is spoken in New Caledonia, Cook Islands
The Maori language code is mi
Geographical position of New Caledonia in the world
Oceania, islands in the South Pacific Ocean, east of Australia
How is New Caledonia climate?
tropical; modified by southeast trade winds; hot, humid
What are New Caledonia neighbours?
Australia, the Fiji Islands, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu.
What is New Caledonia most predominant religion?
and New Caledonia second most predominant religion
and other practiced religions in New Caledonia ?
other, unaffiliated
What is New Caledonia ISO country code?
and New Caledonia ISO3
New Caledonia country area
19060 sq km
What is New Caledonia country population?
What is New Caledonia time zone?
What is internet country code(ccTLD) used to indicate the New Caledonia websites?
The websites ccTLD used in New Caledonia is .nc
New Caledonia calling code
Calling from a different country, everyone should use the prefix 687 before the New Caledonia phone number
New Caledonia Global Peace Index Rank
According to, New Caledonia ranks at position of the Global Peace Index Rank, with a Global Peace Index Score of
The currency name used in New Caledonia is the Franc with the currency code XPF
What has been New Caledonia GPD per capita evolution in the last years?
New Caledonia GDP per capita, according to CIA, has been of $31,100 (2015 est.) ,
$32,100 (2014 est.) and $29,800 (2012 est.) data are in 2017 US dollars.
New Caledonia GDP
per capita is in rank 62 compared to other countries in the world, with a value of $31,100
- data from 2015
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