Montenegro map

Montenegro administrative divisions
24 municipalities (opstine, singular - opstina)
- Andrijevica,
- Bar,
- Berane,
- Bijelo Polje,
- Budva,
- Cetinje,
- Danilovgrad,
- Gusinje,
- Herceg Novi,
- Kolasin,
- Kotor,
- Mojkovac,
- Niksic,
- Petnijica,
- Plav,
- Pljevlja,
- Pluzine,
- Podgorica,
- Rozaje,
- Savnik,
- Tivat,
- Tuzi,
- Ulcinj,
- Zabljak
Podgorica, Montenegro capital city

Montenegro flag

What continent does Montenegro fall under?
Most spoken language in Montenegro, by order
Serbian 42.9%, Montenegrin (official), Bosnian, Albanian, Serbo-Croat
Here you'll find some words to help you speak Serbian
Hello | Здраво | Zdravo |
Excuse me | Извините | Izvinite |
Please | Молимо вас | Molimo vas |
I need help | Требам помоћ | Trebam pomoć |
Do you speak (...) ? | Говорите ли (...) ? | Govorite li (...) ? |
my name is... | моје име је... | moje ime je... |
Thanks | Хвала | Hvala |
You're welcome | Нема на чему | Nema na čemu |
Yes | да | da |
No | Не | Ne |
Goodbye! | Збогом! | Zbogom! |
Where is (...)? | Где је (...)? | Gde je (...)? |
Taxi | Такси | Taksi |
Train station | Железничка станица | Železnička stanica |
Bus station | Аутобуска станица | Autobuska stanica |
Car rent | Изнајмљивање аутомобила | Iznajmljivanje automobila |
Motorcycle rental | Изнајмљивање мотоцикала | Iznajmljivanje motocikala |
Bike rental | Изнајмљивање бицикала | Iznajmljivanje bicikala |
Airport | Аеродром | aerodrom |
Where is the hotel (...)? | Где је хотел (...)? | Gde je hotel (...)? |
Where is the city center? | Где је центар града? | Gde je centar grada? |
I will go… | Ићи ћу… | Ići ću… |
I don't understand | Не разумем | ne razumem |
Help | Помоћ | Pomoć |
I'm very sorry | Веома ми је жао | Veoma mi je žao |
Can I use your wifi, please? | Могу ли да користим ваш ВиФи, молим вас? | Mogu li da koristim vaš ViFi, molim? |
Where can I buy a wifi card for my cell phone? | Где могу да купим ВиФи картицу за свој мобилни телефон? | Gde mogu da kupim Vi-Fi karticu za svoj mobilni telefon? |
Thank you for your help, you were very helpful! | Хвала вам на помоћи, били сте од велике помоћи! | Hvala vam na pomoći, bili ste od velike pomoći! |
I want to live here | Желим да живим овде, | Želim da živim ovde, |
What is best place to find a home to buy? | Шта је најбоље место за проналажење куће за куповину? | Koje je najbolje mesto za kupovinu kuće? |
I love you | Волим те | Volim te |
Want to date me? | Желите да ме излазите? | Hoćeš da izlaziš sa mnom? |
Will you marry me? | Хоћеш ли се удати за мене? | Hoćeš li se udati za mene? |
Serbian is spoken in Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, North Macedonia, Slovenia
The Serbian language code is sr
Geographical position of Montenegro in the world
Southeastern Europe, between the Adriatic Sea and Serbia
How is Montenegro climate?
Mediterranean climate, hot dry summers and autumns and relatively cold winters with heavy snowfalls inland
What are Montenegro neighbours?
Albania. Croatia. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia. Kosovo.
What is Montenegro most predominant religion?
and Montenegro second most predominant religion
and other practiced religions in Montenegro ?
Catholic, atheist
What is Montenegro ISO country code?
and Montenegro ISO3
Montenegro country area
14026 sq km
What is Montenegro country population?
What is Montenegro time zone?
UTC +01:00 Central European Time
What is internet country code(ccTLD) used to indicate the Montenegro websites?
The websites ccTLD used in Montenegro is .me
Montenegro calling code
Calling from a different country, everyone should use the prefix 382 before the Montenegro phone number
Montenegro Global Peace Index Rank
According to, Montenegro ranks at position 51 of the Global Peace Index Rank, with a Global Peace Index Score of 1.847
The currency name used in Montenegro is the Euro with the currency code EUR
What has been Montenegro GPD per capita evolution in the last years?
Montenegro GDP per capita, according to CIA, has been of $18,300 (2020 est.), $21,500
(2019 est.) and $20,700 (2018 est.) data are in 2017 US dollars.
Montenegro GDP per capita
is in rank 92 compared to other countries in the world, with a value of $18,300 - data from
The monthly minimum wage in local currency in Montenegro is 532,5 € an approximate equivalence to 532,5 € (euros), values of 2022
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