Mongolia map

Mongolia administrative divisions
21 provinces (aymguud, singular - aymag) and 1 municipality* (singular - hot)
- Arhangay,
- Bayanhongor,
- Bayan-Olgiy,
- Bulgan,
- Darhan-Uul,
- Dornod,
- Dornogovi,
- Dundgovi,
- Dzavhan (Zavkhan),
- Govi-Altay,
- Govisumber,
- Hentiy,
- Hovd,
- Hovsgol,
- Omnogovi,
- Orhon,
- Ovorhangay,
- Selenge,
- Suhbaatar,
- Tov,
- Ulaanbaatar*,
- Uvs
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia capital city

Mongolia flag

What continent does Mongolia fall under?
Most spoken language in Mongolia, by order
Mongolian 90% (official) (Khalkha dialect is predominant), Turkic, Russian (1999)
Here you'll find some words to help you speak Mongolian
Hello | Сайн уу | Sain uu |
Excuse me | Өршөөгөөрэй | Örshöögöörei |
Please | Гуйя | Guiya |
I need help | надад тусламж хэрэгтэй байна | nadad tuslamj kheregtei baina |
Do you speak (...) ? | Та ярьдаг уу (...) ? | Ta yaridag uu (...) ? |
my name is... | Миний нэр бол ... | minii ner... |
Thanks | Баярлалаа | Bayarlalaa |
You're welcome | Та таван морил | Ta tavtai moril |
Yes | Мон | Tiimee |
No | -Гүй / -битгий | Ügüi |
Goodbye! | Баяртай! | Bayartai! |
Where is (...)? | Хаана байна (...)? | (...) khaana baina? |
Taxi | Такси | Taksi |
Train station | Галт тэрэгний буудал | Galt teregnii buudal |
Bus station | Автобусны буудал | Avtobusny buudal |
Car rent | Машин түрээс | Mashin türeeslekh |
Motorcycle rental | Мотоциклийн түрээс | Mototsikliin türees |
Bike rental | Мин, ач чадвар | Unadag dugui türeeslekh |
Airport | Нисэх онгоцны буудал | Nisekh ongotsny buudal |
Where is the hotel (...)? | Зочид буудал хаана байдаг вэ (...)? | Zochid buudal khaana baidag ve (...)? |
Where is the city center? | Хотын төв хаана байна? | Khotyn töv khaana baidag ve? |
I will go… | Би явах болно ... | bi yavna… |
I don't understand | Би ойлгохгүй юм | Bi oilgokhgüi baina |
Help | Туслаач | Tuslaach |
I'm very sorry | Ойлгоод ядарсан | Bi mash ikh kharamsaj baina |
Can I use your wifi, please? | Би таны WiFi ашиглаж болох уу? | Bi tany wifi-g ashiglaj bolokh uu? |
Where can I buy a wifi card for my cell phone? | Миний гар утсанд WiFi карт худалдаж авах боломжтой юу? | Bi gar utsandaa Wi-Fi kart khaanaas khudaldaj avakh ve? |
Thank you for your help, you were very helpful! | Таны тусламжид баярлалаа, та маш их тустай байсан! | Tusalsand bayarlalaa, ta mash ikh tusalsan! |
I want to live here | Би энд амьдрахыг хүсч байна, | Bi end amidarmaar baina |
What is best place to find a home to buy? | ХУДАЛДАН АВАХ ХЭРЭГЛЭХ ВЭ? | Oron suuts khudaldaj avakh khamgiin tokhiromjtoi gazar yuu ve? |
I love you | Би чамд хайртай | Bi chamd khairtai |
Want to date me? | Надтай болзохыг хүсч байна уу? | Nadtai bolzokhyg khüsch baina uu? |
Will you marry me? | Надтай гэрлээч? | Nadtai gerleech? |
Mongolian is spoken in Mongolia, China
The Mongolian language code is mn
Geographical position of Mongolia in the world
Northern Asia, between China and Russia
How is Mongolia climate?
desert; continental (large daily and seasonal temperature ranges)
What are Mongolia neighbours?
China. Russia.
What is Mongolia most predominant religion?
and Mongolia second most predominant religion
and other practiced religions in Mongolia ?
Shamanist, Christian
What is Mongolia ISO country code?
and Mongolia ISO3
Mongolia country area
1565000 sq km
What is Mongolia country population?
What is Mongolia time zone?
- UTC +07:00 — the provinces of Khovd, Uvs and Bayan-Ölgii
- UTC +08:00 — most of the country
What is internet country code(ccTLD) used to indicate the Mongolia websites?
The websites ccTLD used in Mongolia is .mn
Mongolia calling code
Calling from a different country, everyone should use the prefix 976 before the Mongolia phone number
Mongolia Global Peace Index Rank
According to, Mongolia ranks at position 43 of the Global Peace Index Rank, with a Global Peace Index Score of 1.783
The currency name used in Mongolia is the Tugrik with the currency code MNT
What has been Mongolia GPD per capita evolution in the last years?
Mongolia GDP per capita, according to CIA, has been of $11,500 (2020 est.), $12,300
(2019 est.) and $11,900 (2018 est.) data are in 2017 US dollars.
Mongolia GDP per capita
is in rank 130 compared to other countries in the world, with a value of $11,500 - data
from 2020
The monthly minimum wage in local currency in Mongolia is 420.000,0 ₮ an approximate equivalence to (euros), values of 2020
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