
Malawi map

Malawi map

Malawi administrative divisions

28 districts

  1. Balaka,
  2. Blantyre,
  3. Chikwawa,
  4. Chiradzulu,
  5. Chitipa,
  6. Dedza,
  7. Dowa,
  8. Karonga,
  9. Kasungu,
  10. Likoma,
  11. Lilongwe,
  12. Machinga,
  13. Mangochi,
  14. Mchinji,
  15. Mulanje,
  16. Mwanza,
  17. Mzimba,
  18. Neno,
  19. Ntcheu,
  20. Nkhata Bay,
  21. Nkhotakota,
  22. Nsanje,
  23. Ntchisi,
  24. Phalombe,
  25. Rumphi,
  26. Salima,
  27. Thyolo,
  28. Zomba

Lilongwe, Malawi capital city

Lilongwe, capital city of Malawi

Malawi flag

flag of Malawi

What continent does Malawi fall under?


Most spoken language in Malawi, by order

English (official), Chewa (common), Lambya, Lomwe, Ngoni, Nkhonde, Nyakyusa, Nyanja, Sena, Tonga, Tumbuka, Yao. Chewa, Nyanja, Nkhonde and Nyakyusa are mutually intelligible dialects.

Here you'll find some words to help you speak Chewa

Hello Moni
Excuse me Pepani
Please Chonde
I need help ndikufuna thandizo
Do you speak (...) ? Mumalankhula (...) ?
my name is... dzina langa ndi...
Thanks Zikomo
You're welcome Mwalandilidwa
Yes Inde
No Ayi
Goodbye! Bayi
Where is (...)? Ali kuti
Taxi Taxi
Train station Sitima yapamtunda
Bus station Kokwerera mabasi
Car rent Kubwereketsa magalimoto
Motorcycle rental Kubwereketsa njinga zamoto
Bike rental Kubwereketsa njinga
Airport Airpor
Where is the hotel (...)? Kodi hotelo ili kuti (...)?
Where is the city center? Pakati pa mzinda ndi kuti?
I will go… Ndipita…
I don't understand sindikumvetsa
Help Thandizo
I'm very sorry Pepani kwambiri
Can I use your wifi, please? Kodi ndingagwiritse ntchito wifi yanu, chonde
Where can I buy a wifi card for my cell phone? Kodi ndingagule kuti khadi la wifi la foni yanga yam'manja
Thank you for your help, you were very helpful! Zikomo chifukwa cha thandizo lanu, munandithandiza kwambiri
I want to live here Ndikufuna kukhala pano
What is best place to find a home to buy? Malo abwino kwambiri oti mupeze nyumba yogula ndi iti?
I love you Ndimakukondani
Want to date me? Mukufuna kukhala pachibwenzi?
Will you marry me? Kodi mudzandikwatira?

Chewa is spoken in Malawi

The Chewa language code is ny

Geographical position of Malawi in the world

Southern Africa, east of Zambia, west and north of Mozambique

How is Malawi climate?

sub-tropical; rainy season (November to May); dry season (May to November)

What are Malawi neighbours?

Tanzania. Mozambique. Zambia.

What is Malawi most predominant religion?

Protestant (includes Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, Seventh Day Adventist/Baptist, Pentecostal, Anglican),

and Malawi second most predominant religion

Roman Catholic,

and other practiced religions in Malawi ?

other Christian, Muslim, traditionalist

What is Malawi ISO country code?


and Malawi ISO3


Malawi country area

118480 sq km

What is Malawi country population?


What is Malawi time zone?

UTC +02:00 (CAT - Central Africa Time)

What is internet country code(ccTLD) used to indicate the Malawi websites?

The websites ccTLD used in Malawi is .mw

Malawi calling code

Calling from a different country, everyone should use the prefix 265 before the Malawi phone number

Malawi Global Peace Index Rank

According to, Malawi ranks at position 59 of the Global Peace Index Rank, with a Global Peace Index Score of 1.909

The currency name used in Malawi is the Kwacha with the currency code MWK

What has been Malawi GPD per capita evolution in the last years?

Malawi GDP per capita, according to CIA, has been of $1,500 (2020 est.), $1,500 (2019 est.) and $1,500 (2018 est.) data are in 2017 US dollars.
Malawi GDP per capita is in rank 222 compared to other countries in the world
, with a value of $1,500 - data from 2020

The monthly minimum wage in local currency in Malawi is 8.242,0 MK an approximate equivalence to (euros), values of 2013

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