Kyrgyzstan map

Kyrgyzstan administrative divisions
7 provinces (oblustar, singular - oblus) and 2 cities* (shaarlar, singular - shaar)
- Batken Oblusu,
- Bishkek Shaary*,
- Chuy Oblusu (Bishkek),
- Jalal-Abad Oblusu,
- Naryn Oblusu,
- Osh Oblusu,
- Osh Shaary*,
- Talas Oblusu,
- Ysyk-Kol Oblusu (Karakol)
administrative divisions have the same names as their administrative centers (exceptions have the administrative center name following in parentheses)
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan capital city

Kyrgyzstan flag

What continent does Kyrgyzstan fall under?
Most spoken language in Kyrgyzstan, by order
Kyrgyz (official) 71.4%, Uzbek, Russian (official), and other
Here you'll find some words to help you speak Kyrgyz
Hello | Салам | Salam |
Excuse me | Кечиресиз | Keçiresiz |
Please | Өтүнөмүн | Ötünömün |
I need help | Мага жардам керек | Maga jardam kerek |
Do you speak (...) ? | Сүйлөйсүңбү (...) ? | Süylöysüŋbü (...) ? |
my name is... | менин ысымым... | menin ısımım... |
Thanks | Рахмат | Rahmat |
You're welcome | Эч нерсе эмес | Eç nerse emes |
Yes | Ооба | Ooba |
No | Жок | Jok |
Goodbye! | Саламатта болуңуз! | Salamatta boluŋuz! |
Where is (...)? | Кайда (...)? | Kayda (...)? |
Taxi | Такси | Taksi |
Train station | Поезд бекети | Poezd vokzalı |
Bus station | Автобус бекет | Avtobus beket |
Car rent | Унаа ижарага алуу | Unaanı ijaraga aluu |
Motorcycle rental | Мотоциклди ижарага алуу | Mototsikldi ijaraga aluu |
Bike rental | Велосипед | Velosiped ijarası |
Airport | Аэропорт | Aeroport |
Where is the hotel (...)? | Мейманкана кайда (...)? | Meymankana kayda (...)? |
Where is the city center? | Шаардын борбору кайда? | Şaardın borboru kayda? |
I will go… | Мен барам… | Men baram… |
I don't understand | Түшүнбөдүм | Tüşünbödüm |
Help | Жардам | Jardam |
I'm very sorry | Мен аябай өкүнүп жатам | Men abdan keçirim suraym |
Can I use your wifi, please? | Мен сиздин WiFi колдоно аламбы? | Suranıç, men sizdin wifi koldono alambı? |
Where can I buy a wifi card for my cell phone? | Уюлдук телефонум үчүн WiFi картасын кайдан сатып алсам болот? | Uyulduk telefonuma wifi kartasın kaydan satıp alsam bolot? |
Thank you for your help, you were very helpful! | Сиздин жардамыңыз үчүн рахмат, сиз абдан пайдалуу болдуңуз! | Jardamıŋız üçün rahmat, siz abdan paydaluu bolduŋuz! |
I want to live here | Мен бул жерде жашап келет, | Men bul jerde jaşap kelet |
What is best place to find a home to buy? | Сатып алуу үчүн үй табуу үчүн эң жакшы жер эмне? | Satıp aluu üçün üy tabuu üçün eŋ jakşı jer kaysı? |
I love you | сени сүйөм | seni süyöm |
Want to date me? | Мени менен сүйлөшүүнү каалайсызбы? | Meni menen süylöşküŋüz kelebi? |
Will you marry me? | Мага турмушка чыгасыңбы? | Maga turmuşka çıgasıŋbı? |
Kyrgyz is spoken in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, China
The Kyrgyz language code is ky
Geographical position of Kyrgyzstan in the world
Central Asia, west of China, south of Kazakhstan
How is Kyrgyzstan climate?
dry continental to polar in high Tien Shan Mountains; subtropical in southwest (Fergana Valley); temperate in northern foothill zone
What are Kyrgyzstan neighbours?
China. Tajikistan. Uzbekistan. Kazakhstan.
What is Kyrgyzstan most predominant religion?
Muslim (majority Sunni),
and Kyrgyzstan second most predominant religion
Christian (Russian Orthodox),
and other practiced religions in Kyrgyzstan ?
other (includes Jewish, Buddhist, Baha'i)
What is Kyrgyzstan ISO country code?
and Kyrgyzstan ISO3
Kyrgyzstan country area
198500 sq km
What is Kyrgyzstan country population?
What is Kyrgyzstan time zone?
UTC +06:00
What is internet country code (ccTLD) used to indicate the Kyrgyzstan websites?
The websites ccTLD used in Kyrgyzstan is .kg
Kyrgyzstan calling code
Calling from a different country, everyone should use the prefix 996 before the Kyrgyzstan phone number
Kyrgyzstan Global Peace Index Rank
According to, Kyrgyzstan ranks at position 76 of the Global Peace Index Rank, with a Global Peace Index Score of 1.998
The currency name used in Kyrgyzstan is the Som with the currency code KGS
What has been Kyrgyzstan GPD per capita evolution in the last years?
Kyrgyzstan GDP per capita, according to CIA, has been of $4,700 (2020 est.), $5,300 (2019 est.) and $5,100 (2018 est.) data are in 2017 US dollars.
Kyrgyzstan GDP per capita is in rank 176 compared to other countries in the world , with a value of $4,700 - data from 2020
The monthly minimum wage in local currency in Kyrgyzstan is 1.854,0 лв an approximate equivalence to (euros), values of 2020
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