Kazakhstan map

Kazakhstan administrative divisions
14 provinces (oblyslar, singular - oblys) and 4 cities* (qalalar, singular - qala)
- Almaty (Taldyqorghan),
- Almaty*,
- Aqmola (Kokshetau),
- Aqtobe,
- Atyrau,
- Batys Qazaqstan [West Kazakhstan] (Oral),
- Bayqongyr*,
- Mangghystau (Aqtau),
- Nur-Sultan*,
- Pavlodar,
- Qaraghandy,
- Qostanay,
- Qyzylorda,
- Shyghys Qazaqstan [East Kazakhstan] (Oskemen),
- Shymkent*,
- Soltustik Qazaqstan [North Kazakhstan] (Petropavl),
- Turkistan,
- Zhambyl (Taraz)
administrative divisions have the same names as their administrative centers (exceptions have the administrative center name following in parentheses); in 1995, the Governments of Kazakhstan and Russia entered into an agreement whereby Russia would lease for a period of 20 years an area of 6,000 sq km enclosing the Baikonur space launch facilities and the city of Bayqongyr (Baikonur, formerly Leninsk); in 2004, a new agreement extended the lease to 2050
Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan capital city

Kazakhstan flag

What continent does Kazakhstan fall under?
Most spoken language in Kazakhstan, by order
Kazakh (official, Qazaq) 83.1% (understand spoken language) and trilingual (Kazakh, Russian, English) 22.3% (2017 est.); Russian (official, used in everyday business, designated the language of interethnic communication) 94.4% (understand spoken language) (2009 est.)
Here you'll find some words, and it's phonetic translation to help you speak Kazakh
Hello | Сәлеметсіз бе | Sälemetsiz be |
Excuse me | Кешіріңіз | Keşiriñiz |
Please | Өтінемін | Ötinemin |
I need help | Маған көмек қажет | Mağan kömek qajet |
Do you speak (...) ? | Сіз сөйлейсіз бе (...) ? | Siz söyleysiz be (...) ? |
my name is... | менің атым... | meniñ atım... |
Thanks | Рахмет | raxmet |
You're welcome | Оқасы жоқ | Oqası joq |
Yes | Иә | Ïä |
No | Жоқ | Joq |
Goodbye! | Сау болыңыз! | Saw bolıñız! |
Where is (...)? | Қайда (...)? | Qayda (...)? |
Taxi | Такси | Taksï |
Train station | Станция | Temirjol vokzalı |
Bus station | Автобекет | Avtobeket |
Car rent | Автокөлік жалдау | Kölikti jalğa alw |
Motorcycle rental | Мотоцикл жалдау | Motocïkldi jalğa alw |
Bike rental | Велосипедпен жалға алу | Velosïpedti jalğa alw |
Airport | Іуежай | Äwejay |
Where is the hotel (...)? | Қонақ үй қай жерде (...)? | Qonaq üy qay jerde (...)? |
Where is the city center? | Қала орталығы қай жерде? | Qala ortalığı qay jerde? |
I will go… | Мен барамын… | Men baramın… |
I don't understand | Мен түсінбедім | Men tüsinbedim |
Help | Көмектесіңдер | Kömektesiñder |
I'm very sorry | Мен қатты өкінемін | Men öte ökinemin |
Can I use your wifi, please? | Wifi-ді қолдана аламын ба? | Ötinemin, Wi-Fi-dı paydalana alamın ba? |
Where can I buy a wifi card for my cell phone? | Ұялы телефоныма WiFi картасын қайдан сатып алуға болады? | Uyalı telefonıma Wi-Fi kartasın qaydan satıp alwğa boladı? |
Thank you for your help, you were very helpful! | Көмекіңіз үшін рахмет, сіз өте пайдалы болдыңыз! | Sizdiñ kömegiñiz üşin raxmet, siz öte paydalı boldıñız! |
I want to live here | Мен осында тұрғым келеді, | Men osında turğım keledi |
What is best place to find a home to buy? | Сатып алу үшін үй табудың ең жақсы жері? | Satıp alw üşin üy tabwdıñ eñ jaqsı jeri qanday? |
I love you | Мен сені жақсы көремін | Men seni jaqsı köremin |
Want to date me? | Мені кездестіргіңіз келе ме? | Menimen kezdeskiñiz kele me? |
Will you marry me? | Сен маған тұрмысқа шығасың ба? | Sen mağan turmısqa şığasıñ ba? |
Kazakh is spoken in Kazakhstan
The Kazakh language code is kk
Geographical position of Kazakhstan in the world
Central Asia, northwest of China; a small portion west of the Ural (Oral) River in easternmost Europe
How is Kazakhstan climate?
continental, cold winters and hot summers, arid and semiarid
What are Kazakhstan neighbours?
Turkmenistan. China. Kyrgyzstan. Uzbekistan. Russia.
What is Kazakhstan most predominant religion?
and Kazakhstan second most predominant religion
Christian (mainly Russian Orthodox)
What is Kazakhstan ISO country code?
and Kazakhstan ISO3
Kazakhstan country area
2717300 sq km
What is Kazakhstan country population?
What is Kazakhstan time zone?
- UTC +05:00 — western Kazakhstan (Aktobe, Atyrau, Kyzylorda, Mangystau and West Kazakhstan)
- UTC +06:00 — eastern Kazakhstan
What is internet country code (ccTLD) used to indicate the Kazakhstan websites?
The websites ccTLD used in Kazakhstan is .kz
Kazakhstan calling code
Calling from a different country, everyone should use the prefix 7 before the Kazakhstan phone number
Kazakhstan Global Peace Index Rank
According to visionofhumanity.org, Kazakhstan ranks at position 67 of the Global Peace Index Rank, with a Global Peace Index Score of 1.936
The currency name used in Kazakhstan is the Tenge with the currency code KZT
What has been Kazakhstan GPD per capita evolution in the last years?
Kazakhstan GDP per capita, according to CIA, has been of $25,300 (2020 est.), $26,400 (2019 est.) and $25,500 (2018 est.) data are in 2017 US dollars.
Kazakhstan GDP per capita is in rank 75 compared to other countries in the world , with a value of $25,300 - data from 2020
The monthly minimum wage in local currency in Kazakhstan is 42.500,0 лв an approximate equivalence to 97,3 € (euros), values of 2020
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