
Iceland map

Iceland map

Iceland administrative divisions

69 municipalities (sveitarfelog, singular - sveitarfelagidh)

  1. Akrahreppur,
  2. Akranes,
  3. Akureyri,
  4. Arneshreppur,
  5. Asahreppur,
  6. Blaskogabyggdh,
  7. Blonduosbaer,
  8. Bolungarvik,
  9. Borgarbyggdh,
  10. Dalabyggdh,
  11. Dalvikurbyggdh,
  12. Eyjafjardharsveit,
  13. Eyja-og Miklaholtshreppur,
  14. Fjallabyggdh,
  15. Fjardhabyggdh,
  16. Fljotsdalshreppur,
  17. Floahreppur,
  18. Gardhabaer,
  19. Grimsnes-og Grafningshreppur,
  20. Grindavikurbaer,
  21. Grundarfjardharbaer,
  22. Grytubakkahreppur,
  23. Hafnarfjordhur,
  24. Helgafellssveit,
  25. Horgarsveit,
  26. Hrunamannahreppur,
  27. Hunathing Vestra,
  28. Hunavatnshreppur,
  29. Hvalfjardharsveit,
  30. Hveragerdhi,
  31. Isafjardharbaer,
  32. Kaldrananeshreppur,
  33. Kjosarhreppur,
  34. Kopavogur,
  35. Langanesbyggdh,
  36. Mosfellsbaer,
  37. Mulathing,
  38. Myrdalshreppur,
  39. Nordhurthing,
  40. Rangarthing Eystra,
  41. Rangarthing Ytra,
  42. Reykholahreppur,
  43. Reykjanesbaer,
  44. Reykjavik,
  45. Seltjarnarnes,
  46. Skaftarhreppur,
  47. Skagabyggdh,
  48. Skeidha-og Gnupverjahreppur,
  49. Skorradalshreppur,
  50. Skutustadhahreppur,
  51. Snaefellsbaer,
  52. Strandabyggdh,
  53. Stykkisholmur,
  54. Sudhavikurhreppur,
  55. Sudhurnesjabaer,
  56. Svalbardhshreppur,
  57. Svalbardhsstrandarhreppur,
  58. Sveitarfelagidh Arborg,
  59. Sveitarfelagidh Hornafjordhur,
  60. Sveitarfelagidh Olfus,
  61. Sveitarfelagidh Skagafjordhur,
  62. Sveitarfelagidh Skagastrond,
  63. Sveitarfelagidh Vogar,
  64. Talknafjardharhreppur,
  65. Thingeyjarsveit,
  66. Tjorneshreppur,
  67. Vestmannaeyjar,
  68. Vesturbyggdh,
  69. Vopnafjardharhreppur

Reykjavik, Iceland capital city

Reykjavik, capital city of Iceland

Iceland flag

flag of Iceland

What continent does Iceland fall under?


Most spoken language in Iceland, by order

Icelandic, English, Nordic languages, German

Here you'll find some words to help you speak Icelandic

Hello Halló
Excuse me Afsakið mig
Please Vinsamlegast
I need help ég þarf hjálp
Do you speak (...) ? Talar þú (...) ?
my name is... ég heiti...
Thanks Takk
You're welcome Verði þér að góðu
No Nei
Goodbye! Bless!
Where is (...)? Hvar er (...)?
Taxi Leigubíll
Train station Lestarstöð
Bus station Stoppistöð
Car rent Bílaleiga
Motorcycle rental Mótorhjólaleiga
Bike rental Reiðhjólaleiga
Airport Flugvöllur
Where is the hotel (...)? Hvar er hótelið (...)?
Where is the city center? Hvar er miðborgin?
I will go… Ég mun fara…
I don't understand Ég skil það ekki
Help Hjálp
I'm very sorry mér þykir þetta mjög leitt
Can I use your wifi, please? Get ég notað WiFi þinn, takk?
Where can I buy a wifi card for my cell phone? Hvar get ég keypt WiFi kort fyrir farsímann minn?
Thank you for your help, you were very helpful! Þakka þér fyrir hjálpina, þú varst mjög hjálpsamur!
I want to live here Ég vil búa hér,
What is best place to find a home to buy? Hver er besti staðurinn til að finna heimili til að kaupa?
I love you ég elska þig
Want to date me? Viltu fara á stefnumót við mig?
Will you marry me? Viltu giftast mér?

Icelandic is spoken in Iceland

The Icelandic language code is is

Geographical position of Iceland in the world

Northern Europe, island between the Greenland Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, northwest of the United Kingdom

How is Iceland climate?

temperate; moderated by North Atlantic Current; mild, windy winters; damp, cool summers

What is Iceland most predominant religion?

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland (official),

and Iceland second most predominant religion

Roman Catholic,

and other practiced religions in Iceland ?

Independent Congregation of Reykjavik, Independent Congregation of Hafnarfjordur, pagan worship, Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association, other (includes Zuist and Pentecostal)

What is Iceland ISO country code?


and Iceland ISO3


Iceland country area

103000 sq km

What is Iceland country population?


What is Iceland time zone?

UTC ±00:00

What is internet country code (ccTLD) used to indicate the Iceland websites?

The websites ccTLD used in Iceland is .is

Iceland calling code

Calling from a different country, everyone should use the prefix 354 before the Iceland phone number

Iceland Global Peace Index Rank

According to, Iceland ranks at position 1 of the Global Peace Index Rank, with a Global Peace Index Score of 1.1

The currency name used in Iceland is the Krona with the currency code ISK

What has been Iceland GPD per capita evolution in the last years?

Iceland GDP per capita, according to CIA, has been of $52,300 (2020 est.), $56,900 (2019 est.) and $56,700 (2018 est.) data are in 2017 US dollars.
Iceland GDP per capita is in rank 24 compared to other countries in the world
, with a value of $52,300 - data from 2020

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