Curacao map

Curacao administrative divisions
none. Curacao is part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, one of four constituent countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands; the other three constituent countries are the Holland (Netherlands) , Aruba , and Sint Maarten
Willemstad, Curacao capital city

Curacao flag

What continent does Curacao fall under?
North America, in the Caribbean Islands
Most spoken language in Curacao, by order
Papiamento (official) (a creole language that is a mixture of Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, English, and, to a lesser extent, French, as well as elements of African languages and the language of the Arawak) 80%, Dutch (official), Spanish, English (official).
Here you'll find some words to help you speak Papiamento
Hello | Kon ta bai |
Excuse me | Dispensá mi |
Please | Por fabor |
I need help | mester di yudansa |
Do you speak (...) ? | Bo ta papia |
my name is... | Mi nomber ta |
Thank you | danki |
You're welcome | Bo ta bonbiní |
Yes | Sí |
No | No |
Goodbye! | ayó |
Where is (...)? | Unda |
Taxi | taxi |
Train station | stashon di trein |
Bus station | parada di bùs |
Car rent | outo di hür |
Motorcycle rental | motosaikel di hür |
Bike rental | baiskel di hür |
Airport | aeropuerto |
Where is the hotel (...)? | Unda e hotèl |
Where is the city center? | Unda e centro dje stad |
I will go… | Mi ta bai |
I don't understand | no ta komprondé |
Help | yuda |
I'm sorry | Ta duel mi cu |
Can I use your wifi, please? | mi por usa boso wifi |
Thank you for your help, you were very helpful! | Danki pa boso yuda, bo tabata ta masha útil |
I want to live here | Mi ke di biba aki |
What is best place to find a home to buy? | Kico ta e mihó lugá pa haña pa cumpra cas |
I love you | Mi stima bo |
Want to date me? | bo pa bai sali cuné? |
Will you marry me? | Bo ke kasa ku mi? |
Here you'll find some words to help you speak Dutch
Hello | Hallo |
Excuse me | Neem me niet kwalijk |
Please | Alstublieft |
I need help | ik heb hulp nodig |
Do you speak (...) ? | Spreekt u (...) ? |
my name is... | mijn naam is... |
Thanks | Bedankt |
You're welcome | Graag gedaan |
Yes | Ja |
No | Nee |
Goodbye! | Tot ziens! |
Where is (...)? | Waar is (...)? |
Taxi | Taxi |
Train station | Treinstation |
Bus station | Bushalte |
Car rent | Autoverhuur |
Motorcycle rental | Motorfietsverhuur |
Bike rental | Fietsverhuur |
Airport | Luchthaven |
Where is the hotel (...)? | Waar is het hotel (...)? |
Where is the city center? | Waar is het stadscentrum? |
I will go… | Ik zal gaan… |
I don't understand | Ik begrijp het niet |
Help | Helpen |
I'm very sorry | het spijt me zeer |
Can I use your wifi, please? | Mag ik uw wifi gebruiken, alstublieft? |
Where can I buy a wifi card for my cell phone? | Waar kan ik een wifi -kaart kopen voor mijn mobiele telefoon? |
Thank you for your help, you were very helpful! | Bedankt voor je hulp, je was erg behulpzaam! |
I want to live here | Ik wil hier wonen, |
What is best place to find a home to buy? | Wat is de beste plek om een huis te vinden om te kopen? |
I love you | ik houd van je |
Want to date me? | Wil met me uitgaan? |
Will you marry me? | Wil je met me trouwen? |
Dutch is spoken in Netherlands, Belgium, Suriname, Saint Martin, Sint Maarten, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire), Indonesia, Aruba, Curacao
The Dutch language code is nl
Geographical position of Curacao in the world
Caribbean, an island in the Caribbean Sea, 55 km off the coast of Venezuela
How is Curacao climate?
tropical marine climate, ameliorated by northeast trade winds, results in mild temperatures; semiarid with average rainfall of 60 cm/year
What are Curacao neighbours?
What is Curacao most predominant religion?
Roman Catholic,
and Curacao second most predominant religion
and other practiced religions in Curacao ?
Protestant, Adventist, Jehovah's Witness, Evangelical
What is Curacao ISO country code?
and Curacao ISO3
Curacao country area
444 sq km
What is Curacao country population?
What is Curacao time zone?
UTC -4 hours
What is internet country code(ccTLD) used to indicate the Curacao websites?
The websites ccTLD used in Curacao is .cw
Curacao calling code
Calling from a different country, everyone should use the prefix 599 before the Curacao phone number
Curacao Global Peace Index Rank
According to, Curacao ranks at position of the Global Peace Index Rank, with a Global Peace Index Score of
The currency name used in Curacao is the Guilder with the currency code ANG
What has been Curacao GPD per capita evolution in the last years?
Curacao GDP per capita, according to CIA, has been of $24,500 (2019 est.), $25,100
(2018 est.) and $25,475 (2017 est.) data are in 2017 US dollars.
Curacao GDP per capita is
in rank 77 compared to other countries in the world, with a value of $24,500 - data from
Projet "A Viagem"
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